Online sessions
Online Session options
☆All online sessions are tailor-made for you☆
Each session usually consists of a four pillars reading, card reading and akashic reading.
The Four Pillars reading 四柱推命☆
Four Pillar readings have such a long history.
The Four Pillars was established in ancient China. It is said that Chinese emperors used to use Four Pillar readings to help inform important political decisions they needed to make.
As the Four Pillar readings are highly accurate they are referred to as both "Emperor of divination" and "Emperor's study".
The energy of the four pillars エネルギー四柱推命:
The school which I have finished is called Energy Shichusuimei.
Four pillars destiny reading was introduced around Edo period.
The Japanese method was developed around this time.
The school method is based on that but has been adapted to suit our modern life style.
The Four Pillars reading is not fortune telling. It does not:
×Tell you whether you have good or bad stars
×Tell you whether your future will be good or bad
We can consider the Four pillars destiny reading as a "self instruction manual". It deepens your awareness of your own natural tendencies and strengths.
Oracle card reading
I use a few different oracle cards. They are very positive and kind cards.
By using such as Angel cards and fairy cards I can read specific messages intended to provide advice that can help you to take action, and navigate your current situation better.
Usually the card mirrors the message I shared with you in the session.
Often the card will wrap up the session as well, like a summary or conclusion for the session.
Akashic reading
These are readings from Akasha zone. These cards can access an individual data base in space called Akasha. They allow me to read individual messages tailored to your needs.
Distance Moon energy session
I also provide irregular New moon and Full moon distance healing sessions. New Moon and Full moon time periods can provide powerful healing opportunities.
I usually announce the date and time via Instagram or Facebook.
After the distance healing session, I usually include a reading message or card reading message.